The Resistance were people who wanted the German Nazis to leave and not come back. They were taking Jews away to concentration camps and killing them all.Then the resistance had meetings in the ghetto and in underground tunnels. Why they made the resistance was for the for their family to not get killed and because most of the resistance were Then suddenly the resistance started to fall when they were caught underground at a meeting and some made it out and some were killed. Most of the resistance were killed at the meeting that night but the resistance kept on trying to get the Nazis out of the way. The resistance were stealing the food and supplies the Nazis needed to use for war and to eat . They were persecuted for fighting, stealing German tanks and, taking the Germans food. How the resistance were persecuted were by getting shot in the head ,and poisoned. The reason why the resistance did what they did was because of the . The reason was because the Nazis thought the jews would turn on Germany and help the other country. Also was because Hitler didn’t like the jews because of his art school the teachers were . Also because they had a lot of money they were rich and they rejected him. And the war ended and the Jews were free and the Resistance stopped what they did.
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